Sunday, 12 May 2013

Engineering for HCI: Upfront effort, downstream pay-back

The end of Engineering Practice 1 (c.1980).
Once upon a time, I was a graduate trainee at an engineering company. The training was organised as three-month blocks in different areas of the company. My first three months was on the (work)shop floor. Spending hours working milling machines and lathes was a bit of shock after studying mathematics at Cambridge. You mean it is possible to use your body as well as your mind to solve problems?!?
I learned that engineering was about the art of the possible (e.g. at that time you couldn't drill holes that went around corners, though 3D printing has now changed our view of what is possible). And also about managing precision: manufacturing parts that were precise enough for purpose. Engineering was inherently physical: about solving problems by designing and delivering physical artefacts that were robust and reliable and fit for purpose. The antithesis of the "trust me, I'm an engineer" view (however much that makes me smile).

Enter "software engineering": arguably, this term was coined to give legitimacy to a certain kind of computer programming. Programming was (and often still is) something of a cottage industry: people building one-off systems that seem to work, but no-one is quite sure of how, or when they might break down. Engineering is intended to reduce the variability and improve the reliability of software systems. And deliver systems that are fit for purpose.

So what does it mean to "engineer" an interactive computer system? At the most recent IFIP Working Group 2.7/13.4 meeting, we developed a video: 'Engineering for HCI: Upfront effort, downstream pay-back'. And it was accepted for inclusion in the CHI2013 Video Showcase. Success! Preparing this short video turned out to be even more difficult than I had anticipated. There really didn't seem to be much consensus on what it means to "engineer" an interactive computer system. There is general agreement that it involves some rigour and systematicity, some use of theory and science to deliver reproducible results, but does the resulting system have to be usable, to be fit for purpose? And how would one measure that? Not really clear.

I started by saying that I once worked for an engineering company. That term is probably fairly unambiguous. But I've never heard of an "interactive systems engineering company" or an "HCI engineering company". I wonder what one of those would look like or deliver.

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